10 Years Old Today !
Very Coneniently Zum is Bigger
We Saw Kira
I see many similarities between Huskies and our (probably) Main Coon Cross Thor and Mieszky.
They don't always listen to you (chooses to ignore you sometimes)
and they are just happy sitting by your side , enjoying the silence.
Even though T is s big cat, he is nowhere near as big as a Husky! Mieszky's coloring is similar to Huskies so thats why Zum feels closer to Kira!
Kira comes to say hi to us, then after a while gets bored and goes in the back garden.(ver catlike behavior!) but when Hiro started crying and Kira comes over, worried. Very similar to our black cats!
I ask Hiro, "Do you like dogs or Huskies?"
Hiro says "I like My Walti." Well, Walti is not a dog but I guess Guardian Angel Cat will always make the cut!
Everything is Just a Bit Better When Walter is Around
Sometimes he kneads the soft blanket, but ususlly he just sits on the corner of the bed.
It is so nice he comes to see us now, We just spend time sharing the moment. He is bit more bonier but he lets me brush him now so he's got this nice soft hair.
I stroke his head, and he puts his nose on my hand and licks me. What a great start to the day! I love my Walti so much!
8 years old Is When Cats Get Cuddlier and Nicer
Many people I know say that a “2 year old cat is too old “ when they are looking for cats to adopt, but to us “Crazy Cat Family” this certainly is not true.
Our Himepumpkin was so Nosey and Curious that she would be too busy inventing new nap spots and chasing Pazzy or Walter, or Cookie (Cookie did not see it as play chasing )
I noticed when Hime was around 8 years old, she would come snuggle with us more, and want to come and sit and chill with us more.
I got a little worried that Hime was all of the sudden cuddly and attentive...
but then
This is around the time Zum was born. All of the other cats other than Paz and Hime were scared of Baby Zum.
Well, Paz was like "Oh you got one of these too, I've seen these all the time when I go to the neighbors' houses."
Hime probably has never seen babies but she instantly loved Baby Zum. She wanted to be with me and Zum when we were sleeping and wanted to give Baby Zum huggies even when Zum was crying...
so maybe it was because Hime loved Baby Zum that she would come cuddle than running off for adventures.
She is 15 now, and I notice that she is not climbing as much (this girl climbed on many things like curtains and furniture! ) ,
She would be sitting on my lap so casually that I wouldn't even notice that she was there .
Hime enjoys spending time with me or Zum , cuddling together.
But she is still my Smart , Curious Hime, young spirt , always notices if a new thing arrives!
Being nosey and creative keeps your mind very busy, AND YOUNG...
and you can still have time to cuddle up on someone’s lap too!
Hime cuddling next to Hiro, she looks after him too.
Why Mama is Always Nice To Mieszky
"Why do you baby Mieszky all thr time ?"
I don't play favorites , but Mieszky is an angel, and even when he isnt, he is just really hard to be mad at!
He has a heart of gold so he never bullies anyone.
I was cutting his hair clumps on his fur, and accidentally cut his skin.
He didn't get mad or even hiss at me!
Even when he does something he's not supposed to do , like climb on the table , or try to play with Hime,
I yell at him and ...
He Actually Comes to me!
He says "Rrrghh!"
and sits on my lap !
Who does that? It takes a loving trusting heart and courage to actually go to someone who is mad at you !
Hime The Wise says
"Miesky is annoying when he tries to play with me, but he is good. That's why I lick his head."
(unlike someone who is brown and white...she would not lick his head, thats for sure!)
Hime would know about things like that!
Just stop and enjoy the moment...
My lessons as a pupil in Cat School of Life.
Aslan, Walter, Mieszko, Cookie Dough,
and Zumzum, and Thor,
and Hiro...
then Frankie and Indie.!
(in order of appearance)
ブログ アーカイブ
- Madoka Embury
- When I first met Hime, she climbed on my shoulder at the Cat Rescue and purred and rubbed her 3 week old tiny body against my face. Rub at first sight!
"HIME" (姫)is pronounced "Hee-May", it means "Princess" in Japanese!
Aslan is the 2nd addition to the family, a handsome ginger boy! And because 2 cats were awesome, we got a third cat! Walter! A black long-haired klutzy boy!
Aaand because 3 is an odd number, we got a Norwegian Forest Cat named Mieszko!
Then Cookie Dough , who was living on the streets came into our family.
Five was a good number. So what was missing in our big family?
... A little girl and a boy. That's how we have five cats and Zumzum and Hiro. Cats and a child can become family. They are amazing and they inspire me every day.
Cats Protection is one of the best institutions in UK. They are a charity group for cats, they find homes for cats.
This is where Hime,Aslan& Walter came from! It is clean, happy place for cats! they NEVER put a cat down if they are healthy, even if they have FIV+.
If you are looking to get a cat, go take a look!