
Yada Ears

Frankie Talks a lot and sometimes uses her tail , Zumzum says.
Mieszky sometimes talks, but he mostly communicates with his eyes.
T talks with his tail and meows little bit like a kitten.

Indie mostly talks with her ears.

She listens and flips her ears front and back when she is thinking.

She would put her ears down when IZUMI KAIJYU or MAMA KAIJYU catches her!

"Stop it Izumi Kaijyu!! "
She says!

She's trying to find her chance to BOOOOINGGG Off!!!

She really is friendly when she feels like, it, but sometimes you'd think she was wild cat!

Well , if you are a kitten, you have lots of things to do !


The Biggest and The Smallest

very rare occasion Frankie and Indie have the same expression!
I wonder if they have good lives with us and when they look like this, I feel they are happy!


Zumzum's Company

This is what Zumzum made ....
Kitty shaped bread and she even desinged a special basket for the bread too!

Her teacher and us ,
we were so amazed at her talent!
Zumzum said she calculated how the bread would rise so hers turned out to be perfect!

The design was of course based on both Hime and Indie.

Black cats bring Good Fortune!

Hime will always be with Zumzum!


Still 5 Months Old But So Full of Love

Indie loves her adopted cat family...
especially her big brothers! 

She will go up to the other cats , and say ,
“wrrrrrhhh!” Like a little dove,

and try to rub up next to them. 

She makes such effort to be with them! 

She doesn’t discriminate , she will try to do that with Frankie Onechan too.
She will talk to Frankie by saying "wrhhhhh! " When she sees Frankie come in through the cat flap.
But she usually gets a “Grrraaughhhhh!!!! “ or “Hisss!!!!”

So it usually is her big brothers, TT Oniichan or Mieszky Oniichan.

She loves their company and licks them too. 

Sometimes if everyone is gathered around,

I get to sit with them and Indie will snuggle with me and start purring. She would even rubs her cheek on my hands!


Such a clever little girl, only 5 months old!

She is already longer than Hime though!!!

Walter Was a Good Judge of Character Too.

Walter did hit Mieszky sometimes,
but he did love Mieszky.

We all can appreciate pure kindness!

I am pretty sure Walter would have liked Indie.

I wonder what Walter would think about...Frankie?!

He would probably respect her Loud, Hissing Frankie-ness, but probably try to steal her food though.


October with Guardian Angels

I am so lucky I have Two Guardian Angels.

My Hime


My Mieszky.

And on the other side,

we have a Temporary Guardian Angel

....guarding two of my bags.


The Current Smartest

Could possibly be Frankie!

(of course Everybody knows Hime and Mieszky smart so we are not counting them to make it fair)

When we come home from long day of Japanese School,
I open the door and Frankie usually is waiting for us on the desk by the door!

She seems to know when we have been away for a while
and she will jump on top of the desk
or the stool with a


to make sure she is there to greet us
with a big head thump!

All the other cats are snoozing on the couch!

she says, nonchalantly, like it's not a big deal.

"Aww Frankie! Good Girl!"

We fuss her bit too much and she hisses at us!
Sorry Forest Fairy!!

Indie Bothered

Indie was focused! 

What is she looking at??


someone put

Hiro’s sticky Baikin toy

on the ceiling!!!

Indie says,

“ Izumi Kaijyu,
what did you do !!!???”

She’s making weird noise

She wants to catch

the Baikin on the wall… 

Izumi lifts her up

and Indie can’t get to

the sticky pink Baikin!!!!

"Why don't you reach higher, Izumi Kaijyu!!!??"

Indie hates being picked up and normally BOOOINGs off, but she is tolerating being held!

Baikin is supposed to be used like this ( no, not!!!) normally !!


Looks Like a Lion

When Paz is focusing on kneading!! He looks fierce but he must be remembering suckling from his mommy when he was a baby.2019.


Quiet Fuzzies

Walter and Mieszky on a quiet summer day.
Don't forget the third Fuzzie in the back! August 28, 2022


Noticing the Little Things

Hime was
THE Champion of
Noticing the Little Things. 

She’d know straightaway if someone got a new toy, new top ,
new shopping bag! 

She’d do the Hime Test and try to sit on it or if she can’t sit on it,
sit nearby to observe.

Hime is checking out my leather jacket for quality.

Now Hime’s busy nosey-ing in Heaven, who’s left to notice??


She’s not as nosey but she certainly noticed the new chair cushions.

It’s a good sitting and hiding spot too,
so she started sitting on it. 

And someone who doesn’t notice
(being typical Man )

noticed his buddy sitting very comfy, 

And he started sitting on the cushion too!


T is certainly is a Follower, not a Leader, but he appreciates good ideas.
They both hang out side by side. 


Mieszky Not Hearing

I noticed that Mieszky was not running down the stairs when it was
GOHAN Time!!!

This was around last year.

Especially as WALTI BALTI was still with us,
Food was:
"Greediest Wins All!" 

Hime was fussy eater so I used to open many different gourmet food, and
whichever fancy wet food she didn't eat, everyone else got.

If Mieszky didn’t come running downstairs at the sound of the food pouch being opened ,
then someone would have already guzzled most of it.

If it was just T, he’s slow and pushover when it’s about food so it want a big deal.

But with Greedy Master Walter
there was no winning !


It was FOOD TIME and Mieszky would still be snoring in Zum’s room...
So I started to give Mieszky food when he’s downstairs in the kitchen.

It must be his hearing because he still loves to eat and he would gobble up any food there.
Other than the hard of hearing Mieszky is still affectionate and active.

I've never given Mieszky any special treatment when it was food because he is so kind,

it felt like I was totally playing favorites!!
But now I have a good excuse!

Yes, recently he took Indie and T’s food when he finished his own food,
but he’s so nice , they didn't mind too much??

“You have the most beautiful heart in the world, don't you  sweetie??? “
I ask.

"Rrpeowww!" he says. 

Mieszky Not Hearing 2

Frankie HATES Mieszky for some reason.

If he’s in the kitchen when she comes back from the outside, she’d scream
And run back out.

If he comes near her when everyone’s eating,

“Wraaaaaughhh! HISS!!”
and sometimes even leave her food and run ,or , 

She would hit him with her Giant Paw with the Extra Thumbs.

Lightly of course,
because she is a Delicate Forest Fairy after all...

but with a sound that sounded like she was being slaughtered ,
which she definitely was not! 

Mieszky is so nice that he doesn’t even hit her back or hiss or growl.
He has never, ever , hit anyone with bad intent, in his life!!


THE JOKE’S ON YOU Frankie Crankie!!!

He can’t hear you !!!

Some good things come out from being hard of hearing !

Let Crankenstein growl and hiss all she likes ,
he won’t hear you making that racket!

Nothing but



and sweetness

for Mieszky all around!!  

Indie Is "Half and Half"

Hiro says,
"Is Indie's mom Hime, and her Papa, Walti?"

yes, at a glance she does look a lot like Hime,
but has the round and slightly slanted eyes like Walter,
that "Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon Look"

I would say it is the best of both worlds!

She does eat a lot like Walter, she's growing so long!


The Three Bears !

There's Little Bear = Indie

There's Medium Mama Bear = Thor

...And Big Papa Bear=Frankie


Indie Takkyubin

Indie is good at carrying things around.
Her favorite thing is the blue fuzzy ball that makes a noise.
She carries it around in her mouth, drops it and plays!


How Are You So Smart at 3 Months Old? Pt2

Indie is licking TT Oniichan.
TT always used to bother Walter to get him to lick him,
but he never licks anyone.
(he is unpopular, so never even tried.)

But this little Kitten,
she already is looking after TT Oniichan ,
because she acknowledges that he plays with her, and he's her friend!

Indie groomes T
and then goes to sleep next to him,
she feels safe.

Such a clever girl,
she's still so small ,
it's hard to believe she wasn't even born in September!


What’s Frankie Going to Think?

When we talk about getting a new cat or kitten , the question was , 
“What is Hime going to think?” 
If the cat has good personality , Hime understands , if the cat doesn’t (like T) then Hime will not like him or her. 

Frankie is Actually a Very Clever Girl,
and she quickly understood about Hime being top of Heiarchy. 
She showed Hime respect , though she growled at everyone else. 

Now it’s just Frankie , the only other girl when Indie arrived.

She hates T and Mieszky anyway ,
so we were hoping she would like Indie....? 

Of course Indie got the Groooooowl !

And Indie ran off with her ears bent down. 

But, couple of days later,
Indie was play chasing Frankie up the stairs.

She does growl at Indie,

but it’s just the normal customary growl ,
which is like "Hi" in Frankensteinese! 

I think Frankie doesn’t mind Indie so much . 
Maybe they will be buddies soon ?! 

You Cannot Possibly be afraid of a tiny Ant-like kitten, Frankie!!!


How are you So Smart at 3 months old??

Indie, is such a KY kitten,

She immediately learned that she should NOT

play with TT Oniichan's



TT Oniichan will get angry with you

and hit you with his big paw.

You also do not want him to be angry with you
he is so nice and comfy
and so nice to cuddle with.


he is the only person
who will somewhat play with you
when you are having
at 5AM in the morning.

....Very wise at 3 months old, that's for sure.

T has never really had a best friend that wanted to hang out with him all the time until Indie!

Doesn't it make you want to cuddle with these two guys??


Pazzy Birthday

Today is Pazzy’s Birthday.

he was popping up in my photos a lot lately,
and I was thinking how handsome he was just today .

Then Zum says:
 “when’s Pazzy’s Birthday ?

Isn’t it today ? “


YES! It IS today !!!!
He would be 16.
Hope he is crunching lots of meat somewhere ,
being macho and the manliest cat he is !
I love you so much, Pazzy!