
Happy 5th Cookie!

Cookie Turned five!
I can't believe she's been with us 3 1/2 years now.
She finally started to stand up to Hime and now sometimes chases Hime pre-emptively.
And for some reason this made Hime know that she should respect her so I see them sitting next to each other sometimes! It took a long time but Cookie is equal, I think.

Cookie is a fussy lady even though she is ex-stray.
So I gave her a half a pouch of Shieva food and she was pretty impressed by it , and of course all the boys caught on to the secret treat. So I gave them Felix and Cookie came back so she had a mini helping of that, which was very rare.

It was Zumi who reminded me of her birthday, she said "Cookie Birthday". So yes, I forgot , delayed 3 days, but
Cookie, Happy Birthday, my beautiful girl!

I know it's not nice to take close-ups of people's backsides, but when you have beautiful tortoiseshell patterns like her, I can't resist!

Have You Heard of "The Ostrich'???

All the cool kids are doing it!!

 when there's something you don't want to do, you stick your head onto the ground and say, "ugggghhhh!"

Little did we know that the Ostrich was much cuter version than the noisier versions that was to come....


How'd She Get In?

There was a lot of "Yeeollll!!! " and running this morning!
I came downstairs, and Walter and Pazzy were growling. A cat who I haven't seen ran off and she was gone.
I don't know how she got in through the cat fence, and she obviously came in through the cat flap, to be found by two boy cats that is very protective over their house.

I went to clean the litter box and there she was!!!!

She was scared but she did not resist when I gently picked her up. I tried to get her to the front door and then Paz spotted her and chased her upstairs.
She went into the upstairs room and crouched in the corner. I told Zumzum there was a Pazy upstairs, and she came to see, and said "Awwwww Kawaiiiiiii!"
I opened the window and she jumped off outside.

I thought that was the last time I saw her,
and then next day, at night, there was growling and running in the backyard.
I went to look and she jumped in our backyard !!!!!
Of course Paz and Walter got upset and chased her, and she tried to climb out the cat fence, and couldn't. I opened the gate and she was hanging off the fence, and jumped and ran outside.... Pazzy following her.....

 Why did she come back??? She must be someone's cat to have the nice fur, and know how to use the catflap.
But two days in a row???
My only theory is that she must be REALLY nosey, HIME class nosey.
Cute cat.

Mama Skachan and Baby

Aunt Jenna got Izumi a big Marie stuffed animal!
Zumzum saw it , and said "Awwwww--- Skachan!!!!"

(She calls all white cats Skachan.)

She lined up the original small Skachans and the new Big one, and she said, "Mama Skachan, Baby Skachan".

