
Zumzum and Mieszky

Norwegian Forest Cats look like a Bobcats,
They look wild and vicious.
But Mieszky , he is the most laid back, gentle , and very human cat that I know.
Most cats (or animals for that matter)  don't like hanging around babies because of the sudden movements.
But Mieszky don't mind. He's super patient.
He spends a lot of time sitting around Zumzum .I think that's why she loves him.
Here is Zumzum and Mieszky when she was nine months!
Mieszky is very easygoing so he keeps snoozing next to her when she's thrashing her toys around. She has learnt to touch him gently too.
He makes her smile!


One, two,

 One Cat , and Two if you Zone in the pair of eyes in the blackness ...
Three, if you look real closer , in the cat hammock in the back ...
.... and four!!!
 Hime is loving the cubby hole, and Cookie and Walter on Saucer. And Mieszk! All of the sudden the forgotten cat tree is popular again now that it's getting cold.


Who'd Guessed -- Walter Dudey!

We thought Walter didn't care about anybody. Well,  just when you have food he would come "Prrr,Prrr-ing ", like "hey, I'm so cute and I'm your best friend" ...yeah, always ulterior motive.

BUT Recently...
I noticed that Walter also comes to Zum when she's crying, like Hime.
He comes and sits next to her. He doesn't like to see her sad.

He doesn't have the worried look like Hime gets when Zumzum is crying, but he casually wants to be there for her, with his owl like eyes and fangy teeth sticking out...
How very sweet of you, Walter!

Maybe it's a black cat thing? And they say black cats are unwanted at cat shelters because people think they bring bad luck. Proves that people who are prejudiced know nothing.
The black cats I had the pleasure of knowing over the course of my cat-blessed life, have so much character!
Walter is definitely one of a kind, couldn't breed a cat like him even if you wanted to!


Cookie Dough Pillow

She's so soft she's a great napping buddy!
Cooklins is like Mieszky, no bad bone in her body.
She loves your company, no matter how cold or hot it is! (unlike all the other guys who only use humans for keeping warm)


Paz New Sleeping Pal

Paz likes to cuddle when weather goes colder !


Zum Can Crawl To Hime

Hime likes to sit on the moon pillow and keep an eye on Zum.

Zum can move around bit more now so she can go give Hime a stroke.


Classic Hime!

It was only matter of time ...
But what cat thinks of sitting in Bumbo????
Only Hime !!!!!!!


Mieszky Watches NHK documentary

Mieszky is the only cat that watches TV. 
Well, being the smart boy that he is, he is not interested in bad TV like "The Real Housewives" , and sitcoms which Mom watches.
He tends to be interested in Educational programs.
Mieszky liked the program about the owls living in apple orchards in Japan. The part where the owl flew down to catch voles made him excited.
Now the news is on he's catching up on what's happening in Asia.
Another favorite is In the Night Garden , which he watches with Zumzum. He likes the artistic aspect...
Clever Mieszk!


I'm so so surprised!! I wonder who approached first????
My girls finally became a family.

It took about two years since Cookie came to be comfortable with Hime, but she came around.
I'm so happy.


Learning to Pet Hime

Hime is busy lately , she's fluffing about when Zumzum is playing.
Comes to give her huggie on Zumzum's head ,
And sits next to her.
Zum is slowly learning how to pet her.


Up at 11:30 PM, Hyper. Pt 2

"Ooooh Mieszky hands!"
My most favorite thing about him!

Up at 11:30 PM , Hyper.

Not the cats, Zumzum .
She finds Mieszky who was sleeping next to her and inches to him.
She looves him!
Uhhhh, it's wayyyy past your bedtime, Zumzum !


Hime Protects from Nightmares

Sometimes when Zumzum is sleeping, she starts crying in her sleep.
She just had a bad nightmare again just now and she had her eyes still closed but rolled over and cried.
Hime came hearing her cry, fussed around her, and climbed on top of the pillow above Zumzum, bent down to give her Huggies and went next to her for another one.
Hime is like her fairy godmother!
Oh yeah, her name was originally "Fairy", that's the name she was given when she was born at Cats Protection.
Ahhhhh.... that makes a lot of sense now!
Hime the Fairy Godcat.


Puffin Loves Me...

You can tell even by the back of his relaxed, fat head, how content he is to be with you.

He's so big and fat, it's kind of heavy to have him sit on top of me , but
He does keep me warm!!

You hardly see Paz at the house, but when he is here , he sits on my lap or on my tummy and shows his appreciation. He's a big big BIG baby!!


Totoro Paz

I walked home and I called Pazzy's name around the neighborhood,
And I hear this
"Meeeeeeeow!" From the big bush by my neighbor's house.
It was Paz, he heard me and he was wondering where I was.

"Oh, there you are! I was getting worried! And how did you manage without me noticing?!"

I love how he keeps watch around the neighborhood. Yes he sprays his scent around the bushes (and cars....) to protect everything .... I guess.... But he's like Tototo, guardian of the neighborhood.
The neighbors love him too, he meows when he spots them.

But he knows who his family is and loves us! ( he loves his cat siblings too but he's a big bully and smacks them around)

Even Walterman!

"At first I was scared of Zumzum when she first came to the house. My eyes got so big and round like an owl when I first saw her, I've never seen a baby before!!

Then I got used to her but not her crying , I had to leave the room when she cried!
Man , that girl can really howl the place down!
You know I'm a man who loves his peace an' quiet more than anything! Well, food is first , of course, then my peace an' quiet.

These days I'm even getting used to her crying it doesn't bother me so much anymore. For a human , Zumzum is pretty cute! And she doesn't weaken me by showering me with kisses.
I actually like her. I come sit next to her in the morning because I'm sociable in the morning.
Hmmm in my Hierarchy, I think Zum is up there at the top with Hime. To be respected and intrigued! Yes , Ma'am!

She loves me because I'm fluffy and cute, every time she sees me she squeals and laughs !"


Mieszky is Her Favorite

I think Zumi loves Mieszky the best.
He's nice and fluffy, and he is so sweet. All the girls in the house love him!
And the one thing about Mieszky that Zum loves so much is his paw! So Cute!

"Mieszky, do you mind if I touch your fuzzy gloves? They look so soft."

"Of course not, " says Mieszk. He's so laid back.  


Hime , We're the Same Height!

h, I didn't realize we're the same height when I'm on my tummy!

Oops, sometimes you fall. 

I look up and Hime Onechan is still looking over me!



Hime Onechan Is Here!

umzum cries when she comes out of the bath, she HATES being on her back to be dressed!
Hime hears her crying and comes to console her.

"What's the matter? I'm here, I will give you some Huggies to make you feel better."

Hime is Zumzum's Onechan. Onechan means big sister.
Thank you , Hime.


Out with Walter Man

 O  Walter, we just always forget how handsome you really are because of your anteater like ways...! 

He's so friendly when he is outside, he actually leans in when I scratch his chin, instead of the usual "uhhhh" I get inside the house.
Hangs out with his human sister a lot now that we are outside with the English summer.