
Even Walterman!

"At first I was scared of Zumzum when she first came to the house. My eyes got so big and round like an owl when I first saw her, I've never seen a baby before!!

Then I got used to her but not her crying , I had to leave the room when she cried!
Man , that girl can really howl the place down!
You know I'm a man who loves his peace an' quiet more than anything! Well, food is first , of course, then my peace an' quiet.

These days I'm even getting used to her crying it doesn't bother me so much anymore. For a human , Zumzum is pretty cute! And she doesn't weaken me by showering me with kisses.
I actually like her. I come sit next to her in the morning because I'm sociable in the morning.
Hmmm in my Hierarchy, I think Zum is up there at the top with Hime. To be respected and intrigued! Yes , Ma'am!

She loves me because I'm fluffy and cute, every time she sees me she squeals and laughs !"

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