Frankie's Conundrum
In Reality,
she's a giant big cat ,
much bigger than normal cats.
So, She tried.
and no,
it was not going to happen.....
Poor Little Delicate Forest Fairy Frankie.
Thor was very confused.
He was sitting staring at Indie thrashing around,
and he was like,
"Did Hime Boss come back younger and smaller?? "
"She must've gotten new Boing-ing legs! "
She's small and black, and running around!
Indie has the similar round eyes,
and when Hime was a kitten, she used to go around thrashing like Indie!
Hime was more of a climber, and she was about noseying, getting into small spaces!
Indie, she's more of a runner. She spent a lot of time thrashing on the baubles and chewing the Christmas tree.
It is strange having a kitten in the house again,
and a little black cat who is different but also reminds me of Hime, is nice because it makes me think that Hime is doing that somewhere too.
T is not taking any chances
just in case it IS Hime Boss who has come back,
and she will "Bah-Bahhhh!!!" hit him if he acts out!
Izumi and Hiro’s First Kitten
Indie is two months old. She has the same round eyes as Hime, even rounder!
She is much bigger than Hime was when she came to our house at 3 months old, so maybe Indie will be a bigger cat.
The day came to pick up Indie, and they were excited to see the kitten !
She "meew"ed in a high pitch voice in the car but seemed to settle in quickly.
After all, she has been roaming some school , been to cats protection, been relocated again, all within 2 months of her life!
The "Hime Approved" Award
Shane's Suggestion
Zum and I looked at the picture , and we were like, "AWWWWW she's got round eyes like Hime!!"
But then we were sad. We thought of Hime and a female black cat, who Sarah from Cats Protection said was "Special", seemed too close to home.
The thought of seeing kittens at Cats Protection, though, was nice. It gave me something to look forward to.
So we did, and met lots of awesome cats that needed home.
Days with My BFF Hime
eating croissants, giving Huggies, Hitting Thor.
And overall being Nosey Princess1
Frankie In the Wind
Crazy Girl!
Study Cat
Frankie was here to supervise her studying.
Frankie takes up a lot of the desk space though!
And growls when you try to make some space.
Walter Came to See Me
And Walter walked in.
He came in and he was healthy and well!
“Walter is back , “ I thought in my dream .
It was so natural and nice feeling. I think he came to tell me he was doing well.
What a coincidence ! Or is it?
Maybe it is that time of the year!
Waking Me Up in the Morning
4 years ago
Females Understand Quality
Birthday Card
Hime went to heaven as the sun rose.
That was her time she’d normally go outside, wether it was raining or sunny,
She’d come back usually wet and sit on top of me, and nap till we had to get up.
She stayed for my birthday so we can spend it together one last time. I told her I loved spending 16 years together.
She made our time together so much fun, and showered us with Huggies.
How lucky are we to be able to be with our best friend almost every day for 16 years?
It was a good time and day for Hime to fly free, to Heaven , to go find new sitting spots and climb on things, her round eyes shinning with excitement and curiosity .
She will have lots of expensive leather jackets and vintage leather bags to scratch on, because she is a girl who understands Quality!
I hope she can come see us , whenever we have something new, or we are doing something weird,
like practicing Karate outside,
she'll want to check it out.
Zum made this for me , what amazing girl Hime helped me raise!
Hime, You’re My Favorite Person
And you are like my sister
And you are my best friend.
You are connected to us , we will find each other wherever you may be.
Thank you for being my Best Friend
I spoke with Hiro about Hime going to Heaven.
He understood because he experienced Pazzy and Walter going to Heaven.
He looked up at the sky, and said,
I thought that was a very profound request.
Hime is special and she is important to us and we want someone to know she’s special and take good care of her after she leaves us.
You’re Annoying My Warm Bliss!
I brought back electric warm rug.
Of course Hime noticed it first, and got on it!
“Ooh, this is nice, like a little switch on sunshine!”
Hime says.
But someone also noticed and started his
“Prrr, Prrr, Prrrrrr!!!” Kneading.
Hime gives him a wack!!
“You are disturbing me on my sunshine rug!”
From December 27, 2011
Hime’s Mom
She was young and small like Hime and looked a lot like her but black and white.
She must've passed down her Special genes to Hime, because Hime was already the most Creative and Nosiest kitten at Cats Protection at 1 month old.Hime was the size of my palm, and she came and walked across my shoulders Prrrr Prrr-ing and rubbing her tiny face on my face.
She was black, and tiny , almost a kitten that you would look over because of her tinyness and blackness, but there was a special spark.
Her mom was with the other kittens but she was eager to get stroked too, she said,
" hey, come look at me too,I have 5 kittens but I am super cute and special! "
We regretted immediately after getting Hime , not picking her mom up too. But of course her mom got adopted too right away.
It makes me think that being Super Nosey and taking interest in things , noticing things , make our lives so special.
I hope me, and my kids can also make our lives
Nosey ,
and Smart ...
like Grand Master Hime!
Swish, Swishing Ma Tail!
T has a great way of ignoring me.
I call him and when he doesn’t want to answer me,
He just uses his tail!
One Swish.
So I like to call him when he’s sleeping on my lap, and I am holding his tail.
“Sleeping T! Big Baby! Thor!”
One swish attempt her call.
Very handy to have a very long fluffy tail. None of the other guys can do the same !
Please Look After Walti!
He looked at the ceiling and said, "God, please make sure Walti does not die."
Uh, that is a very tall order, there's always the next life.
Cats do have 9 lives after all!
And Walter did lots of good!
I asked our inhouse Artist, Zum to make a little Walti Keychain.
Hiro says he's going to use it!
I told him , "You could always put the Walti keychain on his grave??"
and Zum and Hiro both said,
"No, I don't want the slugs getting on the Walti keychain!!"
Warm, Wise, and Kind
She is good company, and funny to be around, and really cute!!

she will come over to them and look up at them regularly to say, "You are so cute and I want to give you Huggies."
and she will rush over if they are sad or upset.
And she is there on my lap, without me noticing that she is there!
I forgot that I had that support from Hime when we were away.
Now that we are back, she is there to look after them.
Hime may be small but she is wise, and she is 16, much older than Hiro or Zum.
Does wisdom come in every cat, after certain age?
I am not sure, but Hime is of course No1 in the Universe. What can we say!
Similarities Between T and Frankie
Missed Our Babies
It was our first summer away from these guys,