Cookie also loved baths.
Every time one of us were taking a bath, somehow she would find out and come sit in the ledge in the bath.
And drink the soapy bathwater.
She didn't mind if we stroked her with her wet hands. She'd say, "Ergghhhh" and look approvingly.
I don't know what about the bath water that she loved, maybe it was the temperature? Maybe it's the human taste water? Or maybe she liked the atmosphere of us taking a bath.
Another great thing was that she was always there for you.
If I called her, she would come.
I am in bed with Zumzum and tap my lap twice and call "Cookie!",
She would appear on top of the quilt in couple of minutes.
Not all cats, well, most cats would not come to you like that.
They take your call, and not always pick up.
Not Cookie.
She always shows us that she loves us, and she is happy to be with us.
Before Cookie came to live with us,
Shane would say to our cats, "Unappreciative!"
when they're ignoring us, or just be nice until they got the wet food and just run off.
Cookie, is the definition of " Appreciative ".
She wants to sit on our lap, give us "Eurrghhh"s when we talked to her.
I was in the garden, and called , "Cookie!"
and she ran straight to me from the back of the garden.
She didn't like being picked up at first, she would slink away, with her long slender "super model" legs. I guess that is from being stray.
But eventually, she would let me carry her, and she would purr while I had her over my shoulder.
She is stubborn in her own way, and you could not make her sit with you or sleep with you, unless she decided that is what she wanted.
That is different from Mieszky.
But she and Mieszky were kindred spirits.
Very gentle , loving, and not a bad bone in her.
I used to call them "Gentle Stripies".
That is why she took to Mieszky right away, I think.