
Friend Or Foe?

Paz and Thor. They are just so alike. Paz was exactly like Thor when he was a little kitten.
Thor was kept in a small apartment in a room as there were two females, and no one was spayed. The females were in a room next to his room, and they , of course, were going crazy as they could smell eachother. He was going to be put down because of this, but he's been chopped, and now calm.

I thought he'd be a sprayer like Paz, who had his nuts when he was found by someone in their yard, and brought to Cats Protection. Paz wanted to go out too. Paz still sprays even with his nuts cut off, so I guess it depends on the cat.
Paz is used to being the alpha male. (the Real alpha in our house is Hime!) He'd hit everyone, so everyone used to get out of the way. Thor is younger and strong. Hmmm....

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