
Mama Are You Mad At Me?

This is T usually after he does something bad.

"Yes I am mad at you, You won't stop bothering Franike. "
I ignore him and
he even headbutts my elbow to stroke his head.

He is geneally good cat but he keeps on bothering Frankie, Walter or Paz.
So when yell at him and he goes out the front of the house.

He scratches to come in,
when and when I let him in, he comes and snuggles next to me.

Seriously I cannot keep getting mad at him because he has

the Audacity
or Bravery

to come kiss up to someone who just got mad at him!

"Mama can't resist my cuddly charms and she forgives me if I kiss up to her".

He lets me stroke his soft furry tummy even.

When you escape death like T ,
(he got rescued by Cats Protection)
you must grow life saving skills,
like Kissing Up.


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