Today I lost my Best Friend and Guardian Angel Cat, Walter.
I didn’t know I would not say good-bye to him and thank him for being there for me and my kids.
He was such a lively, unique, and funny character.
And if you had a bad day, all you needed to do was to bury your face on his soft furry black ears.
He’d be saying
“Prrrrr, Purrrr, Purrrr!”
And he’d sometimes put his wet nose for Hana Pisha,
And give me a lick.
Everything is bit better when he was around.
I’m so glad you were in my life.

I know so many people wanted to adopt you at Cats Protection, when you used to be called “Simon”.
I got to know how friendly and great you were when I was looking for long haired cats that need brushing. You would bite the brush and not let me brush your knitted fur , but you still put your front paws on my chest and say “Prrrrr, Prrrr, Prrr!” When I open your cage, and I just loved you since then.
You were going to be adopted by another family and I was so disappointed.
But somehow the adoption did not happen, and I was prepared to come into Cats Protection to miss seeing you and I was so happy you were still there. So I got to adopt you.
Kitten Walter who was only six months old had funny crossed-eyes and loved to eat.
You loved Hime and Pazzy straight away and respected them. You were great buddies with your real cat brother so you were happy to have adopted big sister and big brother….
but you were not so interested in humans other than when it was food time. Then you’d come sit at the table sniffing at the food or watching us eat from the Goldfish Bowl on the kitchen table.
Then you became really nice after you were around 6-7 years old and my kids were here.
You were Angel Walter , and My Walti to Hiro.
You would come sit with us when the kids are sad or tantruming.
You’d tap my head to tell me the kids were sad and try to teach them
the Art of Kneading, that made everything better.
I did not know that boy cats had caring motherly or fatherly instincts towards kids.
I cannot thank you enough for being there for me when I felt helpless.
You went to heaven early because you have done so much good here…
and maybe there were better things to eat in heaven than the boring Renal foods you had to eat here.
You deserve all the great chicken and turkey meats and fish you loved , and go crazy tearing up the catnip bag with your claws in heaven.
I am so lucky I was your human mom for 13.5 years.