Paz Came to See Us
I had a great dream about Paz.
We were at the front of the house, and Paz waltz in, casually , like he used to !
It was as if he had just gone for a walk and decided to grace us with his presence again!
He was wearing a harness for when we used to take him for a walk.
He was so handsome and white and ginger, with his stunning eyes that looks into your soul.
I felt that he really did come visit me. I missed him terribly lately as I was walking to the station from our house,
and this is where he would come follow us through the shortcut.
T would go outside but he wouldn't follow us like Paz did.
Paz would be saying "Meeeeooowwww, Meeeowww" and wanting to walk with us all the way to the supermarket.
He is a great walking buddy. But I feel thankful that he did come visit me in my dream.
Zum says she has been having dreams about Paz and Cookie too.
Maybe it is that time of the year when our loved souls come visit!
Great Day for Mama
Hiro has been talking very well this month,
it is like he went from 5 to 80 in a month (From Grunting to using couple of words)!
He told on his sister, Bean chan!
She would not share the french toast with him, so he came and said to me,
"Bean chan dozo" (Zumi chan won't offer to me)! I can totally get what he wanted to communicate to me!
He was bouncing on the couch next to me (he is not supposed to!)
and he came and hugged my knee.
He said ,
"Mama--- Daisuki!"
I was really surprised !
He also put his cheek next to me and kissed me.
He started kissing us and the cats before 1 , but I didn't know if he knew what that was.
It is great to be able to communicate better with this little guy!
Who is The Strongest?
Zum asked me, "Who is the strongest of our cats?"
Well, Paz would hit everyone who would get in his way , mostly during food time.
"So is it Paz who is the strongest? " Zum asks.
But when T came he would jump on Paz if Paz was being mean and beat him up. (During Food time T would just cower and give in to Paz or anyone)
"So is it T who is strongest? " Zum asks.
Well, you are forgetting a Little Miss Nosey Princess named Hime who just happens to beat up T when he's in her way.
So is it Hime, who is the strongest? Zum asks.
It is Hime who is the Boss. The smallest and oldest, and the female-est!
But... you are forgetting the fluffy gentle softie who would jump on Hime to play (she doesn't) , and he doesn't get scared if Paz or Hime hits him, he just says "It's ok, you are still my friend , I will just sit next to you"
And Hime and Paz who would hit him would change their mind and lick Mieszky's head.

So maybe the TRUE strongest cat in our house is someone who is not afraid of anyone, and is kind to anyone!
To be kind is to have strength. You are the strongest if you can be kind to everyone all the time.
Mieszky teaches me that every day.

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