
Paz Came to See Us

I had a great dream about Paz. We were at the front of the house, and Paz waltz in, casually , like he used to !
It was as if he had just gone for a walk and decided to grace us with his presence again! He was wearing a harness for when we used to take him for a walk. He was so handsome and white and ginger, with his stunning eyes that looks into your soul. I felt that he really did come visit me. I missed him terribly lately as I was walking to the station from our house, and this is where he would come follow us through the shortcut. T would go outside but he wouldn't follow us like Paz did. Paz would be saying "Meeeeooowwww, Meeeowww" and wanting to walk with us all the way to the supermarket. He is a great walking buddy. But I feel thankful that he did come visit me in my dream. Zum says she has been having dreams about Paz and Cookie too. Maybe it is that time of the year when our loved souls come visit!

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