Cookie Turned five!
I can't believe she's been with us 3 1/2 years now.
She finally started to stand up to Hime and now sometimes chases Hime pre-emptively.
And for some reason this made Hime know that she should respect her so I see them sitting next to each other sometimes! It took a long time but Cookie is equal, I think.

So I gave her a half a pouch of Shieva food and she was pretty impressed by it , and of course all the boys caught on to the secret treat. So I gave them Felix and Cookie came back so she had a mini helping of that, which was very rare.
It was Zumi who reminded me of her birthday, she said "Cookie Birthday". So yes, I forgot , delayed 3 days, but
Cookie, Happy Birthday, my beautiful girl!
I know it's not nice to take close-ups of people's backsides, but when you have beautiful tortoiseshell patterns like her, I can't resist!
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