
What's up with the box

Our cats are notorious for being more chuffed with the cardboard box that the cat house came in, than the actual cat house that we bought.
We buy things for the gang, and it's like, "OH! I could've just saved a lot of money and just gave them the cardboard box!"
Uh, Hime, Is that really comfortable? .... The box that my sewing box came in...
Well, it turns out,this fabric-y box is Great too!
Of course, it was free. 
Just like all the best things in life!!
"The box gets Hime's SEAT OF THE WEEK Vote!"

Hime got inside it first.

"I am usually Old-fashioned but I like how the material sucks up my hair"

"No one can jump me inside this box!"

Mieszk feels peace in the box....


Even Walter The Stubborn is here!!!
There's no food there, goofy!

The Box must be something.  It's like fabric CATNIP!

 .......OOOooops, Spoke too soon.

Hime has already moved on to my sock drawer!
"That box was SOOO YESTERDAY", she says!

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