Avant garde art tortie
Cookie Dough is from the old house, our exHousemate Danny became friends with her.
She lived outside and she so wanted to be a housecat. The people in the neighborhood seemed to feed her but she would be crying in the pouring rain, which really concerned us.
So she is here with us!
We put flea treatment on her, and took her to the vets. We also got some posh biscuits because her body was covered in scabs from fleas and allergic reaction.
Now she had beautiful sleek soft hair, and all her scabs are gone.
Such a sweet girl that answers "Errrrrghhhh!" whenever you talk to her or stroke her.
This is your home now, Cookie!
In the Wrong Business
I seriously think this person, if he were to become a basketball player, or even a businessman, he would be so successful.
Walter's brothers are here for the chicken too, but they DON'T STAND A CHANCE!!!!!
Talk about keeping the eye on the prize, Walter!!
He is a GO GETTER!!!!!!!!
But It Was Free!
Hime discovered it first, now everyone's fighting over the VIP seat.
As always.
It's a box that the baby's clothes came in, not the fancy cat toys we get them from the pet shop.
Hime sits on it, uses it as a scratching post, then Mieszky and Walter started copying her.
It's a box that the baby's clothes came in, not the fancy cat toys we get them from the pet shop.
Hime sits on it, uses it as a scratching post, then Mieszky and Walter started copying her.
"It's ok Mieszk, I will share with you because you are my baby brother and I look after you. " She says.
Of course daddy was lame and threw away the VIP seat. : (
Keeping Me from Sitting on Mommy's Lap
Cooklins is a serious lap cat.
She will go out of her way to come sit on you! I've never known such dedicated lap cat.
She wants to come sit.....
But her annoying sister is there!
She will go out of her way to come sit on you! I've never known such dedicated lap cat.
She wants to come sit.....
But her annoying sister is there!
She says,
"I INVENTED Lap Catting !!! Are you kidding me??"
.....What does she do.... to Lap or not Lap....
Cookie the Complainer
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Ureeeeeeeghhhhh! |
This girl talks (or more complains) a lot!
Sometimes it is because she is not happy with the quality of food (very picky for someone who was stray),
Sometimes it is to get your attention.
Sometimes it is when you pet her and she is acknowledging you!
You gotta admit, it pretty darn cute!!
Walter and the Females
T here has been a change in Walter lately....
Maybe it's because he turned 5 years old in October,... but
I think it has to do with .....
❤❤Female Attention❤❤
That is the only explanation for a Grouchy Loner Guy to be Purring Sociable Young Stud that he is! I always thought he was cute and good-looking, though Shane said he was weird, like FuMan Chu Looking.
He's always liked Cookie Dough,
maybe it's her beauty, maybe it's her ghetto background that he finds attractive?
And Cookie Dough likes Mieszky and Walter out of all her siblings , so she lets him sleep close to her.
Walter shows RESPECT to the Cooklins, comes close to her but never intrude her space. (Does he actually have manners???)
But the person who has been
showering this formerly
Grouchy Loner
with lots of attention all of the sudden
is ..... HIME!
She has decided that he is the best person to bug and smack around,
Walter has what it takes to keep up with her Kitten-like energy and playfulness.
(She is 6 years old, and the oldest, but it's all in the mind, isn't it!?
So she walks over to him and starts up a thrash with him 3-4 times a day!
Maybe it's because he turned 5 years old in October,... but
I think it has to do with .....
❤❤Female Attention❤❤
That is the only explanation for a Grouchy Loner Guy to be Purring Sociable Young Stud that he is! I always thought he was cute and good-looking, though Shane said he was weird, like FuMan Chu Looking.
He's always liked Cookie Dough,
maybe it's her beauty, maybe it's her ghetto background that he finds attractive?
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"I tolerate Walter because he is infatuated with me!" |
And Cookie Dough likes Mieszky and Walter out of all her siblings , so she lets him sleep close to her.
Walter shows RESPECT to the Cooklins, comes close to her but never intrude her space. (Does he actually have manners???)
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"Can't get me up here, Hime!!! " |
But the person who has been
showering this formerly
Grouchy Loner
with lots of attention all of the sudden
is ..... HIME!
She has decided that he is the best person to bug and smack around,
Walter has what it takes to keep up with her Kitten-like energy and playfulness.
(She is 6 years old, and the oldest, but it's all in the mind, isn't it!?
So she walks over to him and starts up a thrash with him 3-4 times a day!
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"You think you're safe up on the top?? I will still come after you!" |
Don't Have Stuff Like This Where I Come From!!!
C ooklins' first contact with CATNIP!
Don't think she's ever smelled Catnip on the streets!
Love this one of her!
She rubbed her head over the catnip a bit more...
And fell asleep!!!
Hiding the blankie over her head!
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Don't think she's ever smelled Catnip on the streets!
Love this one of her!
She rubbed her head over the catnip a bit more...
And fell asleep!!!
Hiding the blankie over her head!
Sweet dreams, my little Cookie Wookie Doo Dah!
Starry Eyes Miesky
M ieszky has a certain look, he looks like a little child.
Sometimes it looks sad, and innocent at the same time.
He understands and knows what you are feeling, his eyes are very human.
Clever Mieszk!!!
What u doing Hime ?
My cats are supermodels!
I am proud to say my babies have debuted as models on the
Picom pet nametag website!
Walter's pic was right after his bath so he is fluffy and clean!
So proud of my beautiful babies!!
Never mind they usually have a bit of dingleberry on them!
I now have another place on the cyberspace to show them off : )
Scary Mieszk!
Bath Time for Stinky
T hat person by the window sill is not a sewage rat...
it's not E.T either.....
It's shaped like ET...
It's shaped like ET...
An Egyptian CAT??
It's Walter!
He was fermenting so bad, I see him licking himself all the time, but ...
Why does that boy stink of poo all the time????
So that's it. Whether he likes it or not,we gave him a bath.
He was actually a very good boy in the bath!!!
We thought he'd be kicking and scratching... But he didn't scratch once!
He got to eat his reward wet food afterwards,
drenched and dripping, in the bathroom.
Who'd guessed that Mr. Greedy-Guts was this scrawny??
Can you believe, this is the same cat couple of hours later??
He's so soft and fluffy, and brown from being in the sun!
And CLEAN! Smells like shampoo.
He's my fluffy Brown Bear!!! AWWW.
I nuzzled my face into his nice clean fur, and he,
actually purred, not growled!!
Being clean even made him more grateful!!
I put on his new ID tag on for him. So handsome!!!
Not bad for cross-eyes!
Walter's New Hierarchy
My friend Dennis who has 8 cats says in his cat's Hierarchy, all the girls are the strongest, then the boys, and his Norwegian Forest Cat comes last because he is so laid back.
Turns out, Walter is the one who is deciding the Hierarchy in our house.
It used to be
....therefore Walter can smack Mieszky if he feels crabby or wants to shove him out of the way.
what happens when a new cat, who is
younger, much younger than him comes into the mix?
Cookie Dough is only two, where Walter is four years old, everyone else is pretty much about five.
Wouldn't it be natural for Cookie Dough to be at the bottom of the pyramid??
Walterman has made his decision pretty much the day Cookie Dough came into the house,
he was very intrigued with her, and always had some kind of respect towards her.
I'm Intrigued by Cookie Dough!! |
so here's our cat Hierarchy according to Walter:
See, Walter respects Cookie Dough!! |
maybe it is because she is a girl.
maybe because she is from the HOOD, an ex-street cat (she is not mean in any sort of way though).
But the new Hierarchy it is.
Mieszky, being pushed to the fifth in line, he doesn't mind , as usual.
He loves everybody.
And what matters is that all the women in the house love him too!
Sometimes the two girls can co-exist if Hime doesn't try to pounce on her! |
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