Many people think two cats are double trouble.
It is!
More poos, more thrashing around the house, double chaos! Hahahaha!
More importantly,
1 cat+1 cat =TRIPLE THE FUN!
It is!
More poos, more thrashing around the house, double chaos! Hahahaha!
More importantly,
1 cat+1 cat =TRIPLE THE FUN!
(of course it depends on the cat, but in most cases.)
Let me tell you why.
Then the second time she went , the veternarian stuck a thermometor up her butt to take her temperature.
She started to shake. It really scared her.
Even after I brought her home, she wouldn`t stop shaking.
She went under the bed, defeated, would not come out for two days. She was shellshocked.
If taking a temperature made her weak, we were concerned about how she would be when she had to get spayed.
If just taking a temperature shocked her so much, will she survive from the shock of the surgery?
We prolonged her getting spayed as late as we could, but we had to have it done.
All the tomcats around the neighborhood were interested in her...
This picture on the left is not reflection of Hime,
it is a big black boy cat spraying at her through the window!!!!
Ewwwww... Wowwww...
We set a date right after Aslan came into the family.
After the dreaded surgery....
After the dreaded surgery....
She was woozy from the anesthetics, went to a corner and slept.
Aslan looked confused. He couldn`t understand why his pal was weak.
We tried to keep Aslan away from her, so he wouldn`t try to play with her and open her wounds.
Next day, he was with her, licking her, sleeping with her.
Day after, they were playing, chasing eachother around the house,
even with Hime and her cone around her neck.
I remember when I was in the hospital. If I had been at the hospital all by myself, I think I would have gotten sicker, from loneliness and fear.My friends and my family coming to visit me all the time really helped me get better.
I think Aslan being there really helped her get over the shock, get her mind off the pain.
We were so grateful to Aslan for helping her.
Compainionship does help people and cats get better.
Even with the cone around her neck!
We were so, so relieved!
Thanks Aslan!
And thanks Hime, for being a brave girl!
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