This is the question that we have been discussing the last week.
You need a pure heart to ride the Kintoun!
He has no bad bone in his body!
I have never seen him be mean to anyone!
He comes and licks me, looks after me.
He even let Indie come sit in his saucer with him when she's scared!
most of the cats in our house would have growled at poor Indie and would have shoo-ed her off.
But Mieszky lets her sit with him!
Uhhhh what about this Forest Fairy here....?
She says she has a pure heart ?
let's think about it for a moment,
and skip to the next person!!!!
She is the Original Guardian Angel Cat, and loved and looked after my kids!
Yes she did "BABABAAAAA!" and hit Thor sometimes, but ,
Hime would be the first person to know if someone was sad.
She would notice, and say "baaawwwnnn! " and come over and shower you with huggies to try to make everything better.

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