
Sunshine Pazzy

You know that really toasty sweet smell ,
ehen you hang your blankets in the warm sun?

We had sunny weather so we put our blankets out to dry.

Zumzum brought the blankets in ,
and breathed in the sweet Sunshine smell.

"It smells like Pazzy!"
she said.

Yes, she was right!
Pazzy was always outside in the sun,
and when he came in,
we used to love to smell his warm ginger, sundhine-y sweet tummy!


Yada Ears

Frankie Talks a lot and sometimes uses her tail , Zumzum says.
Mieszky sometimes talks, but he mostly communicates with his eyes.
T talks with his tail and meows little bit like a kitten.

Indie mostly talks with her ears.

She listens and flips her ears front and back when she is thinking.

She would put her ears down when IZUMI KAIJYU or MAMA KAIJYU catches her!

"Stop it Izumi Kaijyu!! "
She says!

She's trying to find her chance to BOOOOINGGG Off!!!

She really is friendly when she feels like, it, but sometimes you'd think she was wild cat!

Well , if you are a kitten, you have lots of things to do !


The Biggest and The Smallest

very rare occasion Frankie and Indie have the same expression!
I wonder if they have good lives with us and when they look like this, I feel they are happy!


Zumzum's Company

This is what Zumzum made ....
Kitty shaped bread and she even desinged a special basket for the bread too!

Her teacher and us ,
we were so amazed at her talent!
Zumzum said she calculated how the bread would rise so hers turned out to be perfect!

The design was of course based on both Hime and Indie.

Black cats bring Good Fortune!

Hime will always be with Zumzum!


Still 5 Months Old But So Full of Love

Indie loves her adopted cat family...
especially her big brothers! 

She will go up to the other cats , and say ,
“wrrrrrhhh!” Like a little dove,

and try to rub up next to them. 

She makes such effort to be with them! 

She doesn’t discriminate , she will try to do that with Frankie Onechan too.
She will talk to Frankie by saying "wrhhhhh! " When she sees Frankie come in through the cat flap.
But she usually gets a “Grrraaughhhhh!!!! “ or “Hisss!!!!”

So it usually is her big brothers, TT Oniichan or Mieszky Oniichan.

She loves their company and licks them too. 

Sometimes if everyone is gathered around,

I get to sit with them and Indie will snuggle with me and start purring. She would even rubs her cheek on my hands!


Such a clever little girl, only 5 months old!

She is already longer than Hime though!!!

Walter Was a Good Judge of Character Too.

Walter did hit Mieszky sometimes,
but he did love Mieszky.

We all can appreciate pure kindness!

I am pretty sure Walter would have liked Indie.

I wonder what Walter would think about...Frankie?!

He would probably respect her Loud, Hissing Frankie-ness, but probably try to steal her food though.