I think that it could happen.
After getting to know T, I noticed something under the fancy long beautiful hair.

Yes, he was a Main Coon Cross (we think) ,
but that Pink nose, and that look .
And he seemed so desparate to have a home and a family.
The only other cats that I knew that were as appreciative as T were ex-Strays , Cookie and Tamapion.
Yes, that look was the same look Panda Neko used to have.
He was a Big Tuxedo Cat Tom who used to come to my mom's for food.
He was a stray and no one wanted him and he was hungry and lonely.
He’d sit outside my mom’s living room window and glare at us with his face that looked like a Batman mask .
“Where’s my food?”
He was definitely saying .
And my mom would say , “ Oh you came , I’ve got fish for you “ , and she’d give him leftover bits.
I think he wanted to be adopted by us but he would hiss when you got close.
He didn't know how to be friends with Humans because they have been cruel to him.
And one day he stopped coming.
He probably went to heaven, hungry and hurt.
When I see T, I see that same look.
When we just adopted him , he would hiss at us and the other cats .
And a minute later, he'd purr, and come sit next to me.
It's like he didn't know what to do!
He’d Hiss at me, then start purring.
I realized that he wanted to make friends but he was scared.
And he’d come sit next to me while I’m cooking , or doing something .
I called him Big Baby, and he’d twirl his tail.
He would not want to sit on my lap, he just wanted to sit next to my feet like a dog. He does cause problems with the other cats but he always would go out of his way to show appreciation.
Perhaps Panda Neko came back as a Main Coon Cross so people would adopt him.
Well, T did get adopted, but his previous owners were not nice people.
Being a stray was hard but life as a pretty cat wasn’t always great either.
But I am so glad we found each other.
And now he’s got a big family, even though some of his cat family find him Big and Annoying . (
Hime, Paz, Walter...)
I ask him , “Were you Panda Neko?”
If you are, I’m glad you came and found us.
He twirls his long bushy tail and thumps it at me, and purrs like this: “Purr, Purr, Purr”!
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