
The only cats that cuddle

Our cats do not cuddle, but everyone cuddles with Mieszk! 
Because he is kind and soft.
And you don’t have to worry about getting a “Wack !!”from Mieszky, because he has a heart of gold. 😇

Unfortunately doesn’t go both ways all the time though. 
Sometimes when Mieszky comes to share the Fuzzy “Walter Cushion” , the other guys bite him to shooo him off… when they are feeling mean 😢 
But this doesn’t put Mieszky off. 

So Pazzy ,especially , has a special place in his heart for Mieszky . 
He welcomes him and have a nice nap together. 
Paz would lick Mieszky.  Paz is very attentive to the ones he loves.
Mieszky doesn’t lick any other cats , but he licks my hair !

 Paz and Mieszk, 
Gold and Silver. 
Opposites but buddies.


Walter Knows (NOSE) !!!!

Walter has a super pointy nose which must work superpowers due to its pointy-ness. I accidentally left the fridge open and he is halfway in there trying to get go the ham.
Mieszky had to have medication twice a day so I would put it into food. I'd do it quietly so Walter don't catch on. But somehow he' d know!
Well, it doesn't help that Mieszky starts getting excited and starts saying "meooo, meooo!" So Walter would end up getting treats too.
But it's ok, Walter is an Angel. He is full of spirit and he makes us laugh.