
T Gets Mad At Me

No one likes Flea treatments on their neck. 
Hime, she senses everyone getting caught and being  treated, immediately runs away before I get a chance to catch her. 

Good old Paz don’t care, he’d just get back to normal, no hissing, no biting, no getting traumatized at all. 

But T , “Mr I Am A Bully “ is a big wimp once again. 
He tries but can’t run away because he’s slow!
So I catch him and put the treatment on his neck, and instantly he’s traumatized!
He runs off from me, saying 
“Mama’s being mean to me”
And tries to run outside. 

I try to stroke him and tell him it’s ok, 
He Won’t let me pet him!!
I try again and he slithers away. 
AWW! Kechi T!
He goes outside to get away from Mean Mama!

I was finally forgiven when it started to rain and I let him in. 
He let me stroke his wet coat!

Back to being Loyal T. 
Sits next to me and taps his tail. 

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