
Slowpoke T

When I call T, he trods over, never RUNNING, it looks like a bear trying to walk fast. I don't think I've ever seen this guy really run , because when he tries to escape from me I can 100% catch him! (Could not do that with Mieszky, Cookie, or Hime!
T was meowing outside to be let in. I opened the door and saw this little mouse...who had already gone to heaven . How does someone so slow catch a mouse? poor mousey . Well, nice of him to bring me the mouse, it is a nice gesture of kindness, like "I know you can't catch mice yourself, so I got you one, thanks for all that you do for me" One thing T is, is that he is very grateful. Maybe its because he almost got put down by his previous owner. Maybe because he is unpopular. Or he just is!
It was very nice of him but I didn't want to pick the poor mousey up , so the mouset present was left by the back door. couple of hours later the mousey vanished, I think the magpie picked him up. Well....the circle of life goes on, and I am glad mousey's life was not wasted!

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