
From 2019

Mieszky still so young!
Hiro loves Mieszky!

Before and After Pick Up

Just a regular day, but so precious.
 “Meeow Meeow!”
Paz comes running and under the Cherry blossom tree to come say hi. 
Handsome Caramel Paz. 


Shortcut With Pazzy

We love our shortcut! Its very handy to get to the supermarket or the station! Of course our Loyal Paz wanted to follow us...
I worried that Paz may get lost and got very sad to hear him say "Meooooowwwww, Meooooowwww" when he got to the end of the shortcut. It was too far away from his territory to leave past the shortcut. but when we came back and called his name, he came out from the bushes by the end of the shortcut! What a great boy!! Thank you for waiting for us, trusting that we'd come back!

In the garden with Pazzy

This year, spring/ summer, we had lots of time to just sit in the garden , hang out with Paz and T. We bake bread for lunch and eat outside. Paz took shade under the chair I was drying Zum's jacket in! The world was chaos but we were happy enjoying the simple life with our cats.

Best Thing About Paz

was that he was so glad to see us when he was outside. He'd spot us or our car coming, and say "Meeeowww, Meeeowww!" he'd come greet us, he's so happy to see his humans!
he spotted WILLIAM invading his territory so his tail puffed out and chased him away!
He follows us down the road when we are going to the post office. I worry about him geyting lost so I had to put him back in the house. He'd follow us down to Sainsbury's through the shorycut. I really got worried then but he waited for us at the shortcut , and came out from the bushes when we came back calling his name. "Meeeeow, Meeeoww!"
I love my Caramel Muffin so much!



I love Walti-Balti! He's so soft and fuzzy, and has round big eyes! when he comes, he puts his wet nose on you to give you a Kiss!!


I Really Want to Hang Out with...

Walter has always liked and respected Hime. Well, everyone in this house does. But anyway,I think he remembers how Hime and Pazzy took him in and nurtured him when he was a kitten. He never hissed at Hime or Pazzy! (He hisses at Thor at least 3 times a day, and Mieszky , he used to hiss at before Annoying T came!) Walter feels at peace when Hime is not in her mean "Beheh breeeh! " striking mode. It is peaceful and snuggly when it is just the two Black Guardian Angels!


T Worried About Baby

This is pic from 1 year ago, Hiro was just under 1. 
T is pretty patient, he would tolerate little kicks and lots of crying... (wouldn't tolerate it if I did that!) 

T with zum when she was 4. 


Showered by Love

 For my birthday,

my Stripies came and all sat on me! 

What more could you ask for?? 

They all keep me warm and purring as they slept on me. 

I don't like it when it gets dark and cold, but this is one great thing about Autumn and Winter!

My beautiful Stripies. 

Brown, Grey , and Ginger. 

Good-Bye Old Friend.

 We saw Pazzy off to heaven.

It was sudden and I don't know if I thanked him enough , told him we would never forget him.

But I know he is now free. 

He can eat all the food and chicken pot pies left on the street that he wants.

He can roam the streets and go visit his neighbours for some food and fuss.

I know he is happy to be able to do all that, because he loved freedom.

I just feel very honored to be able to raise him from 6 months old to the end of his life. 

Last week I was walking Zum home from school and I thought I heard him saying "Meoooow, Meooow" by our house. 

He would do that when he spots us outside and come home with us, happily trotting by us. 

Our neighbour Debbie sent us this

I missed him so much then, but maybe it was him.

And how he would turn a beautiful deep pumpkin color for the autumn and winter, and strawberry blond for the spring and summer. 

I will honour his beautiful life and all the love and trust he gave us. And how he used to eat everyone's food and smack everybody(cat)  because he is King Paz. 
Thank you for your beautiful life of 12 years with us. 


We Are Going Away, Hime.

 Zum has been very excited about our trip to London. 

She told Hime about it, and she said

“I’m going to miss you, will you sleep with me?” 

And I walked into Zum’s room and this is what I see: 

Hime listened!

Hiro was very impressed with the train! 

I’m impressed with Hiro’s Bear Ears!! So cute!!


3 Months Old Hiro and Paz and Zum

Paz and Hiro ! 

Awwwww Hiro was sooooo cute! 

His eyebrows just kicked in!!! 

Paz likes to cuddle and hang out , even with babies as long as they are not making a racket!

See, this was 4 years ago this week!
3 Year-Old Zum and Paz .



peaceful between these stripes


When Paz is not hitting everyone to get out of the way, Mieszky , Cookie and eveyone can chill in the sun.


This is the Face Of an Angel

It may come as a bit of a surprise....
But the Angel at our house is




(huh??an Angel??)

And he PURRS when he is worried and starts kneading. 

He usually lounges in the computer room by himself but , when Hiro is crying, he rushes over!

This is his concerned face.
Are you OK??"

He comes over to us and tries to get my attention. 
I say, "I know Walter, Hiro is upset but I don't know what to do!"

Walter comes next to Hiro and goes, 

"HIRO! Knead Like me! It will make you feel better!"

Walter will put his wet juicy nose on us to let us know he loves us!

He is the best. 



Before Walking

It took a while for Zum to start crawling, and then walking, but
She got a lot of encouragement from the guys!! Sept 2014


Sunset at 9pm

This time in England is the best.
There is fewer rainy days and the daylight is long.
I like to watch the sun going down in bed with the cats.
When I showed the blanket to Paz he came to snuggle. He is surprisingly affectionate , Paz.
And when I was telling Paz what a sweet boy he is,
Mieszk gets jealous and jumps over to the couch to see me from the cat tree.
Paz loves Mieszk so he lets Mieszk sit next to us .
Then T comes to sit on the couch... the three Stripies!
That’s a rare combination!
I tell T to look at the camera , but T is being Kechi T and won’t look this way. But it’s nice to see the three boys sitting linearly.
And Hime comes! She comes sits on the sofa and we are just enjoying the quiet Sundown , listening to the birds chirping still !

Good Things Happen When You Wear Shoes !

For a couple of months I was trying to get Hiro to Wear shoes! 
At first he’d cry and refuse to take steps and sat down (in the rain) to take them off. Then he started to stand with them on but refuse to walk in them. 
Surprisingly Hiro’s nature to want to put things where they’re supposed to (he is very observant from less than 1year old) , he would point at the shoes when we are about to go outside. 
Couple of days ago he started to walk in the shoes! 
Now we can all go outside together! 
I gave him a carrot flower. He carried it around ,isn’t he so cute?!

 T came over to rub against Hiro. Trying to score Brownie Points with Hiro! 
I said to Hiro, “ say to T , ‘you’re a good boy!’ “ , Hiro bends down and gives T a kiss on his head! Hahaha