
Hime is My Buddy

If Zum is playing with something , ESPECIALLY something NEW,
Hime will come and see what’s happening . 

“It’s my new play dough, Hime”
“Ooh that is new , looks like fun, can I sniff??”

Hime is so Nosey and so Creative! 

Look, I made a cat!!

Fun times with Hime!


Cooklins 2013

Some pictures Shane took from 2013!
What a great Gal!
We just happened to be singing the Cookie Do Dah song today, she’s still close in our hearts!
Cooklins was one of the very few cats Walter liked sleeping next to. 

Hime and Cooklins Suitcase Appreciation Club


I don’t mind, Mieszk!!

Mieszky was the runt of the litter when he was born.
That’s why he’s pretty small for a Norwegian Forest Cat.
He also has snotty nose sometimes. And he sneezes!
He sneezed on Thor when they were sitting next to each other.

Thor says , “It’s ok, Mieszk. You’re my best friend and my only friend! “

I don’t mind either, Mieszk!