Funnily, Zum's first real word was PA-ZZY, and Ha-Mi, which was her interpretation of HIME, was last. Probably harder to pronounce as a 1 year old.
Zum would say her favorite was everyone, it would change day to day.
We went to Japan in September 2016. My hubby went back first, and we were FTing, and he was showing us the house , the guys, and Hime.
Zum saw them and started getting sad.

She saw Hime giving buggies to Shane, and said she wanted to see Hime.
She missed home, the guys, especially Hime. Obachan's house was fun, but I think that was the first time she got the concept of missing home, and someone other than her parents.
Now when we are away, she says she wants to see Hime, and she says Hime is her favorite. She only wants Hime when she's sad.
Zum, Hime loves you too!
Hime hits all her brothers, but never you!!