He is so calm at the vets , he listens to me, and when I tell him "it's ok " he puts his head on my hand and purrs.
If this was Hime or Walter , they would be mewing .
Thor, he'd probably be wining and trying to shake the cage open with his huge paws.
Paz, he'd growl and try to bite during the examination....
Mieszk, he is just so intelligent. I get comments from the other people in the waiting room about how calm and sweet he is, he sticks his paws out on my lap from his cage and purring.
He had to get a nasty injection and he had to be separated from everyone. He wasn't allowed to eat for a day and only teaspoonful every two hours after.
He slept with us even though he was weak.
I was very worried but he stopped throwing up and I put him back with everyone.
He wolfed his food down , he was hungry!
Of course Thor was so happy to see him and nap with him!
Everyone loves Mieszk!!!
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