

Mieszk and Zum
They even sleep alike!!


Oh No! Hat Gone!

Zumzum said "Pazzy hat!" and wanted to put on the Pazzy print hat that I got her before she was born.
It's got Pazzy printed all over it!

So Zumzum had it on, and when we were at the supermarket she said "Oh no! Hat gone!"
Sure enough, the hat was gone.
We were sad the hat was gone, but I was amazed she was able to tell me about it. So it's a milestone in her development.
Yes we loved the Pazzy hat, but, we got the Real Thing , Right Here!

Soft, plush, ginger, and cuddly as ever. He wants to stay home more than ever because it is getting cold.

Round and round

With HIME ! She doesn't mind!