I just noticed that I have been taking someone's love for granted.
He is regularly overlooked when taking pictures, because
He is regularly overlooked when taking pictures, because
b) He is not always doing quirky weird things (Hime)
c) He is not, "not the sharpest tool in the box" (Alsan)
Mieszky has a quiet,undemanding character. He isn't pushy,or loud, but he looks hurt when he is neglected. ... Doesn't that just break your heart??
Hime , the Busy-boss of everyone,
usually whacks everyone when she feels bored,
but she won't mind if he comes to sit next to her when she is sitting on my lap.
She will even lick him and he will be there, so happy to be groomed! Awwwww.
He didn't like Mieszky for the first 6 months....
It was like, "I'm the ONLY Stripey Cat in this House!!"
Or maybe Mieszky was bit too gay and soft for Pazzy's Neanderthal Ways??
He used to always hiss at Mieszky if he got too close.
Pazzy was never mean to anybody else before... not even to Walter who was always Hyena-ing his food whenever there was a chance!
My friend says Pazzy is jealous because Mieszky's good looks is threatening to Paz.
But , as time went on, he accepted Mieszky , and will let him sleep close to him as long as Mieszky doesn't touch him.
("I don't do that gay stuff, man, keep your distance!")
Now Walter, he is something of an Nihilist...
But when he feels like it, Walter shows him "boundaries".
In Walter's mind, there is a"Cat Hierarchy" that looks like this:
(looks a bit like a band tour shirt!)
Therefore Walter thinks he has the right to whack him, or muscle his way into Mieszky's food if he wants to!
Technically, Mieszky is older than Walter..... So maybe the "Cat Hierarchy" is based on who came first, or who has the strongest personality??
... Mieszky don't care where he is in the Hierarchy. He's happy being at the bottom!
or on me,
it's so subtle that I don't even notice that he is sitting on my lap anymore!
And when I speak to him, he looks at me with very human eyes, trying to understand what I am saying.
Sure enough, he understands more words (in both English and Japanese) than all the other cats !! He is the first to respond to the all the important phrases, like, "Who wants Treats???"
If I ask him,
"Should I get up?"
he grunts and replies,
"Should I get up?"
he grunts and replies,
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