He was gone and did not come home at night on Sunday.
I made posters on Tuesday as I was really afraid he was not able to find his way home.
it felt like the good in the house had gone.
I asked people on the street as I put the posters up and enquired with the rescues.
The people who I spoke to were supportive and kind, they suggested I post on the community site.
On Friday I got a phone call saying this gentleman had seen cat that looked like Mieszky by the station next to the cafe when he was walking his dog.
The train station! That was the last place I would have looked to try to find him!
I ran over there with Zum and called his name. He wasn't there, and we walked around the cold dark streets , I felt defeated. I saw these girls outside the flats and I mustered the strength to ask them.
One of them actually told me she had seen him. She said she saw him in front of the station, next to the hotel!
So it must've been him!

I went over to the street . The lady came out of the house to tell me where she had seen him.
I walked around the back of the street and called his name. I asked the people working in their garage, and a lady walking her dog. The gentleman even let me in his back garden so I could look for him! He called his neighbours to ask them too.
I was going to put more posters up around the area.
Then my phone rang and a lady said she just drove past him and he was by the station again.
Zum and I made our way there and started calling him. Another phone call came saying she had seen him around there too. This lady even helped me to look for him.
We couldn't find him anywhere! There were not many places a cat would be able to hide near the Main Street by a train station! I was devastated again!
Then my phone rang again, and a lady told me she had seen him up the street from where we were.
I told her I would go over, and this lady came out to tell me where she had seen him. I went around the gardens and called him. He was not there.
I gave up and decided to walk back as were were on the street that takes us back to our house.
I decided to ask the old lady in her house and showed her the poster.
She pointed to the back garden. I walked around to the back, and saw a grey fuzzy cat. I called his name, and the cat stopped.
I walked over as I didn't recognise him. He looked bit frightened and looked like he was going to run away, then recognised me.

I went to pick him up , and he was meowing with hoarse voice, and rubbed his cheek on my cheek!
I was bawling as we walked home. Zum told him we missed him and we were so glad to see him!
Paz saw us outside our house, and he meowed and came down.
Mieszky was tired and went to sleep after eating. He didn't seem too dirty considering he had been out for 6 days. He had many knots on his fur and bit skinny but otherwise not too bad.
He slept with Thor, who was glad to see his (ONLY) friend back .
Mieszky put his head on my lap and slept and slept.
Paz came and licked his head.
Everyone loves Mieszk!!!!!

We are so happy he is home.
We are also very lucky to have lovely neighbours in the community who helped make it possible to find him.
I think Mieszky was at the station because he knew the trains meant he was near the house. He was kind of on the right direction home, but he didn't know the way.