Walter has special bond with girls.
He doesn't like males .
Paz, he's such a big bully decides to hit everyone if he feels like it. Best to avoid.
Mieszk, he thinks he's so fluffy, but he's not as cute as ME and he's incessantly trying to play with me.., how annoying !
Other outside cats who come in the garden and spray.. ("I MUST protect my property.., by making loud noises and running away...")
Walter and Hime.
They play fight , he plays soft with her, then she ends up licking him. Because Walter is Hime's baby brother. Awwwwww.
Walter and Zum. Walter will come to her when Zumzum is sad. Walter knows he's really Zum's big brother. Zumzum is the only person he ever shows concern for, so that's really saying something!