
Lovely Cookie 4 -- Work of Art

I think she finally felt at home the last year.
We got a cat fence, so she could go out and in, which gave her some space.
And she and Hime were getting along, I think she fought back to Hime to show her and they were respecting each other.

I always thought she was one of the most beautiful cats I've seen.
Tortoiseshell cats are very common in Japan, and not very appreciated.
But the way her coloring was swirled, and had such a delicate balance.
And her facial marking has lovely symmetry,  it was a work of art.
I never get tired of looking at her.
And on one side, she looks like Paz (ginger and white), and on the other side, there's bit of black with the ginger and white.
My favorite is the lovely black down the nose, and the ginger on both sides evening the balance. 
Her ears are dainty and pointy.
She has long long legs with tiny face, and long tail. She pudged up a little the first year she came to live with us, but she got back into her supermodel figure after she started going out.
I called her "Naomi Cookiebell" .

I do think it was her personality that brought us to adopt her, but her beautiful face helped too. 
But it's one of those things too, if you have kind heart, it shows in your face. And she's one of the most loving cats I've ever known.

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