

We visited Cats Protection. Zum and us we love spending time in there. The facilites are beautiful, theres lots of green and flowers, and LOTS OF CUTE CATS!

Sarah at Cats Protection knew that Shane wanted a Maine Coon for a long time. She said, "Show them Thor. He's beautiful."
So the lady brought us to the back, and there he was.

As soon as I saw his face and his big big paws

 I knew Shane would be in love.
Shane loves big cats. And stripey longhairs. Well, basically Main Coons. Though we have never seen an actual Main Coon. Thor looks like he is a Main Coon cross, with really big paws and big fluffy head, but his fur is sleek, unlike Mieszky , who has soft fuzzy long hair.
He has cute eyeliner eyes.
Let me outa here, I want to go out!!!

 Thor was dying to get out of the cage. He was just like Kitten Paz when I met him here, almost 8 years ago.
I stroked him, and Shane stroked him. He was friendly. Zum wanted to stroke him too.
Many cats who have never been around children get scared. But not Thor. He was totally fine when Zum stroked him, and didn't seem to be surprised if she made loud noises.
Our house seemed very quiet with only 4 cats now, so the decision was made.

We mulled it over again once we got home, and it still made sense.
We went to go pick him up two days later. Zum was saying his name too.
Welcome to our house, Thor.

Zumzum saw them together, and said, "Its the same!!!" Yes they look like brothers, don't they?

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