
There are certain things in life that is consistent !

Every time I'm eating chocolate
Walter comes and sits next to me waiting...

I told him, "it's not for you, you don't eat chocolate."
And let him sniff the chocolate.
Chocolate is one thing he doesn't eat. (surprisingly)
But he is still there, there is something else he wants!!!

Wait for it.....

Wait for it....

G O ! ! ! ! !

Playing wrapper soccer !!!

I had 3 Ferrero Rocher chocolates one after the other,
he came for the wrapper!!!! Hahahahahaヾ(●^▽^●)ノ♪

These are the times I am reminded that
He is only a little kitten inside....
under all that greedy fluffy fur!

Don't you think he looks like Mr. Jinxy,
Robert DeNiro's cat from "Meet the Parents"????


I wish he could use the people bathroom like Mr. Jinxy too.

Walter is very talented, but caring what humans want him to do is not on his priority.
None at all.

He is totally PUNK like that!!!!

Same round eyes! Semi- crossed eyed too like Walter!

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