

Marshmallow Man

What is great is snuggling next to Fat Pazzy in the winter!
Pazzy, there's loads of uneaten wet food and actual chicken in the food bowls!!
You'd call our current lineup


When the Summer Sun Shows Up

It makes the Fuzzies hang out like friends!!

too bad Indie is still scared to venture out and enjoy the sun...

Frankie almost looks like she's hanging out with T....

T is the same annoying cat who annoys her, but all is forgotten in the sun.
Mieszky looooving it!! He is showing his adorable tummy in the sun!


Happy Birthday Hime ! And International Black Cat Day!

August 17th is always a special day, because Hime was born!

She is bright and smart like a shinning star, and warm like a cozy little blanket.

I learned this year that the International Black Cat Day is also today.
What a coincidence, or NOT conincidence it just happens to be
the Most Special Black Cat's birthday?!?!?!

She always knows if we are doiing something different,
and she wants to see,
no matter what age she is!

Hime would be 17 today,
I know she is bouncing around somewhere,
eyes full of mischief and twinkle.

Himepumpkin is BFF!!


Indie the Black Angel Kitten

Indie is shy but she has a heart of gold.
She loves everybody and snuggles up to her cat siblings,
saying, "Urrhrrr!!!"
This is usually in the morning when she wakes up from her early morning FEVER TIME , and she's ready to start the day again.
She loves everybody and snuggles up to her cat siblings,
saying, "Urrhrrr!!!"

"Urrhrrr!" means,
"Hi Mieszky Oniichan, Hi TT Oniichan, Hi Frankie Onechan. Great to see you, I love you."

Crankie Frankie will always answer with a HISSSS!!!!.... what a Mean Forest Fairy she is!!!!

Mieszky doesn't mind her, though he is older so he doesn't really want to play.
She will rub herself onto his side to show her affection.

TT will usually start playing with her, he is the only one who has the time and energy to play.

But Indie will try every day, to speak to her siblings, "Urrhrrr!" like a little pigeon.

She decided Izumi Kaijyu is ok sometimes,
because Izumi Kaijyu will throw the ball for her.
So Izumi Kaijyu gets a "Urrhrrr!" sometimes too!

She is such a pure and kind kitten!

I wish Hime could see her.
Or Walter.
Or Pazzy.

They would like and appreciate Indie's good heart, and play with her and lick her. Indie would always have someone to play with!


Is Frankie Happy? 2

So it was time to go home from the Vets.

being actually very intelligent,
knew she was going back to our house.

She did not MEW, MEW or even worse, start panting on the way back.

She got out of the cage in the car, and dug into the bottom of the front seat,
and kind of made herself comfortable.
Zumzum did not have to sit next to her and comfort her like on the way to the vets!

When we got to our house, I thought she'd jump out of the car and run off outside.
But she didn't.
I opened the door, and she waited patiently by the front door!

Smart Girl! (when she wants to be)

She went inside,
and she was happy at home.

She was back in her (our) back garden, chilling, once again.
It turns out, she really was happy with us, and our home , especially outside in the garden.

Even though she growls and hisses at us and everybody!!

And I learnt that she was a Maine Coon indeed, but ,
a small one!
(according to Erica Sensei)

Well, Erica Sensei also did say that Maine Coons are usually laid back...
well, maybe we have a very weird one then....

but we love Frankie for all her Crabbiness and her Noisyness,
she is funny, smart, and LOVING, (occasionally!!!) so we would really appreciate it!!!